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HDI Natural™ Herbal Remedy
Brand / Category: HDI Naturals™

HDI Naturals™ Herbal Remedy is formulated with 100% natural ingredients and does not contain any artificial sweeteners or food dyes. It is chemical-free and safe for people of all ages, including pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is a soothing remedy formulated with Thyme extract, Lime extract, Ginger extract, Clover Honey, and Bee Propolis extract (Propoelix™).

HDI Naturals™ Herbal Remedy offers a natural remedy which consist of premium ingredients that are scientifically proven to relieve flu symptoms:

  • Thyme - Contains flavonoids that relax the throat muscles involved in coughing and has also been proven to lessen inflammation.
  • Ginger - Has strong anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly effective for easing dry asthmatic coughs.
  • Clover Honey - Has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. The viscous nature of honey coats the throat providing quick soothing relief.
  • Lime Extract - Helps soothe discomfort caused by persistent coughing and has a mucolytic function which helps loosen and clear mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Propoelix™ - High antioxidant content boosts immunity and increases the body's natural resistance to viruses and infections, promoting quick recovery from flu.

HDI Naturals™ Herbal Remedy is mindfully formulated without any synthetic ingredients or chemical preservatives, which makes it 100% safe for your entire family. It is pleasant-tasting and provides quick soothing relief from cough and flu symptoms.

Enterpriser Reviews
171 rating14 Review
171 rating14 Review
01 Apr 2024
Harga nya turunkan lagi
07 Apr 2024
Herbal remedy luar biasa. Produknya membantu banget saat kita batuk.. 😍😍
09 Apr 2024
Sangat bagus. Cust sy konsumsi selama 3 hari diminum sehari 2x @15ml, bapil nya lsg sembuh tanpa obat"an lainnya.
01 May 2024
Obat batuk herbal yg enak rasanya hangat di badan
02 May 2024
06 May 2024
Enak bgt untuk tenggorokan, melegakan
14 May 2024
Barang sesuai pesanan, pengiriman lmyn cpt, ni pemesanan ke 2x buat stock di rumah apabila batuk bisa langsung minum & sangat manjur buat batuk berdarak/batuk kering
16 May 2024
Baru nyoba mudah²an cocok untuk batuk pilek
22 May 2024
Pertamakali mau nyoba, semoga Allah kasih rezeki LG ketika mau habis biar bisa repeat order. Aamiin. Berkah selalu untuk kita semua🤲🥰
30 May 2024
Rasa semwriwingnya sangat bisa ditoleransi anak kecil 😅 jadi ga ada drama kalo batuk, minum dgn sukarela tanpa paksaan
09 Jun 2024
Sangat cocok untuk keluarga
10 Jun 2024
Very good
19 Jun 2024
Kualitas baik
23 Jun 2024